With a background in just about every east and west spiritual and path from every benevolent religion as well as non-religion, a forever honorer and child of Divine Mother, and one who listens always to THE LIGHT and THE SELF as a unique creation of the Divine (meaning each of us is this) I decided to receive Baptism in 2017. My world changed significantly in the most peaceful and blessed of ways. I honor all benevolent paths, have learned and continue to incorporate much from east and west, when this aligns with Christ’s will for life on Mother Earth. I now offer love-based, Christ-based Counseling in addition to my universal services.
Counselor in United States (appointy.com)
Dr. Laurie Moore – Animal Communicator, Intuitive & Coach (animiracles.com)
Divine Mother Honoring, All Benevolent Path’s Honoring, Christ Focused Counseling