gratitudes5 - Dr Laurie Moore Spiritual Teacher and Animal Communicator | Satsangs, Spiritual Retreats, Healing Retreats, and Meditation Retreats.
Henry Seltzer
Henry Seltzer

After a session with  Dr. Laurie Moore, Money came in from numerous directions.

Henry Seltzer
Astrologer and Author

John Burgos
John Burgos

With her telepathic gift, Laurie names what is happening clearly as it is.
I run things by Dr. Laurie Moore when I need accurate personal insight from a heart-centered high place.

John Burgos
Producer and Host of Beyond the Ordinary Show
Best Selling Author and Speaker


Dear Laurie: I send you love, deep appreciation and gratitude. I know that you have given your life fully to be used by truth for all. I rejoice in this.

Globally Honored Awakener of Many
Author of Diamond in Your Pocket

Jacquelyn Aldana
Jacquelyn Aldana

Delightful, entertaining, and brilliant describes both Dr. Laurie Moore and her captivating book, The Cat’s Reincarnation. Her innate ability to communicate with animals as well as humans is a divine gift that she has honed to perfection. Because she is love, all she can offer is love. And because she is light, all she can do is shine! Dr. Laurie Moore knows how to access positive solutions in her own life and makes it easy for the rest of us to do the same.

Jacquelyn Aldana
Author of The 15-Minute Miracle Revealed

Saced Home Animal Sanctuary

Laurie, This intensive has been LIFE ALTERING. This by far exceeds what I had hoped for. I opened up to new types of affirmative and generating consciousness. I fully changed the environment in my home and animal sanctuary. The way of looking at life was a whole new experience. The clearings and healings were amazing. I heard the earth talk.

I am no longer worried about money. I have plenty for my business, home, and work with 58 animals at my private animal sanctuary.

Sacred Home Animal Sanctuary

Christina Basor
Christina Basor

My life changed forevermore after Dr. Laurie Moore’s seminar. I am grateful for life each day and each moment and I am now able to do my dream job!

More Actions

Christina Basor,
Mother and The Raw Chef

Tom Kornbluh
Tom Kornbluh

Dearest Laurie, I deeply appreciate our connection. I am getting the most value from just being with you- while you are being exactly who you are- in your journey — it is a great and rare gift. Your presence and attention is more than enough to gently remind me of who I really am and open windows of possibility. I have moved places that were on hold and returned to a place of awakening and movement with myself, relationships and business.

Tom Kornbluh
Consultant and Founder of Consulting Mastery

Bradford Tilden
Bradford Tilden

I have been an avid supporter and contributor to the Miracle Ground since meeting Dr. Laurie in early 2007. The space it creates is truly miraculous, allowing people to release the burdens of the past and embrace the high vibrations of love and light, thus anchoring the shared dream of a new Golden Age of Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, and Limitless joyous Bliss. Dr. Laurie always knows exactly what each person needs! She made space for me to be more of who I am and express this more than I have ever experienced with any other teacher.

Bradford Tilden, M.A.
Composer in Resonance Conductor of Healing Energy

Shirley Hart

Shirley Hart

Author of Life Inside Out: Living from the Heart

Immediately Life Altering Session (12-15-11)

If anyone had told me that the root cause of a crippling belief hidden away in my unconscious could be uncovered and transformed in a short thirty minute phone session with Dr. Laurie Moore, I would never have believed them. However, that is exactly what happened.

I met with Dr. Moore because I have suffered from guilt and shame for years because I believed I failed as a mother with my youngest of three sons. He has told me that he believes I am missing the ‘mommy gene’. I don’t meet his criteria for showing up as a good mother, mother-in-law or grandma.

I was a single parent for most of his childhood. There wasn’t much time to bond with any of my sons because I had to work full time. Of the three boys, he seemed to march to a different drummer, and he still does. We haven’t been able to reach agreement about much of anything. The breach between us has grown wider as he has grown up, married and had a family. What has made it even more heartbreaking for me is that they have my only two grandchildren, whom I see rarely, if at all.

I have read dozens of books dealing with family psychology, spiritual transformation, and forgiveness in my attempt to figure it all out. I’ve taken classes and attended seminars dealing with self-healing and communication issues. I haven’t been able to make any of the teachings work in this situation.

Just prior to my session with Dr. Laurie, I was at the end of my rope, so to speak. I hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. I would have given anything in the world to be able to be at peace with our relationship. However, going into the session I wasn’t holding much hope that it would eliminate my suffering. She surprised me right at the beginning by skipping my whole sordid story and asking me to simply identify my feelings about the breach with my son and his family. This was a new approach for me because I spend most of my time in my head and have difficulty even identifying my feelings. I’ve spent a lifetime stuffing them because of my fear of disapproval and rejection.

Dr. Laurie has the ability to create a very safe space for her clients. She calmly and gently encouraged me to locate the sadness, frustration, hopelessness in my body. It was amazing to me how quickly I felt it all in my solar plexus area. I felt nauseas and almost gagged. I was shocked that my body immediately reacted so strongly to my feelings. It was so unpleasant I didn’t want to stay there. Dr. Laurie calmly asked me to sit with it and in it and observe if it changed or moved at all.

After a few moments of sitting in it despite the nausea, the feeling shifted from mostly frustration to enormous grief and sadness. She asked me to feel the sadness as fully as possible and notice if it moved in my body. It felt immensely deep, dark and empty. As I allowed myself to feel the fullness of sadness and hopelessness over the shattered relationship, the grief and sadness moved into my heart. I felt as though my heart would break in pieces.

A panicky feeling then emerged. My fear was palpable that I would die if I tried to hold the visceral sense of sadness and hopelessness in my heart. Then a very strange thing occurred. I felt dead. I was cold and stiff. I felt the damp earth weighing down on me and pushing me deeper into the earth. I sensed that I was about to descend into a bottomless dark abyss.

Dr. Laurie asked if I would be willing to sit with the intense grief for awhile and see what might come up. At first I said I didn’t really think I could do that. It was actually becoming quite terrifying. I felt totally alone while descending into an endless inky darkness. My mind was frantically trying to understand if what I was experiencing was indeed my actual death. What would happen to me – my-self if I stayed with this feeling?

Would my life be over because I never got my son’s approval of me as a mother and grandmother? The answer came instantly. Not only would my life be over, but I was being condemned to the eternal darkness and separation of hell for failing to fulfill my only purpose for living, which was to be a good mother. My anguish was unbearable.

Everything was becoming blacker, cold and alienating in every way imaginable. I still had the sense that I could choose to escape the whole experience. However, I sensed it was of major importance that I stay and let go of any resistance. If I surrendered to the void, I would be giving up my sense of being a separate self and the awareness that “I am” an individual soul, conscious of my beingness.

Since I felt so hopeless about the situation, I resigned myself to my fate and accepted my sentence to eternal separation or annihilation for failing to be a good mother. It became even more black and cold and alienating in every way imaginable. Dr. Laurie assured me it was safe to feel the experience of a hellish separation for a little while. “Just be with it”, she said very calmly. I resigned myself to just be in it.

It was what she said next that broke me wide open. She quietly asked if I could think of this space as being “The Beloved”. As she said the words, “The Beloved”, a monumental shift occurred inside me. It felt miraculous. The cold endless blackness was instantly transformed into what felt like a warm, dark velvet cocoon that was completely secure and totally loving.

My mind was immediately confused because I couldn’t equate overwhelming love and peace existing in a total black nothingness. The Beloved Divine Presence was supposed to be all Light, not a black void. In my heart however, I was experiencing the endless void I’d always feared as being hell, as actually being the Divine Love of the All that Is. It was so wondrous that I dreaded the thought of any light interrupting this peaceful nothingness. Any light would interrupt the soft peace, introducing choice to the mind to separate things and judge them. In the warm, dark void every-thing was all one; and yet, there was no thing. Words do not or cannot describe this space of oneness filled with an infinite peace.

When Dr. Laurie gently suggested that I consider inviting my son into this peaceful no-thingness, I resisted the idea at first because I feared losing the wondrous peace I was experiencing. However, my fears evaporated almost instantly in the sea of calm I was floating in. As I thought of him he appeared in front of me smiling with eyes filled with love. We both recognized in that moment that our lives were perfect. We realized we were playing roles in this lifetime to teach us to love authentically. We laughed together at how well we are performing our roles as protagonists in our relationship. The whole idea of judging each other’s performance as mother or son seemed ridiculous. There was just great love and gratitude between us. At the same time I felt there was no separation between us.

As the session came to an end, I was speechless at first. I was stunned to realize I had been linking my children’s disapproval of me as a mother to being condemned to hell. With a belief like that I could never or would never be free of guilt and shame. It would always push me to play the victim to their demands, craving their approval.

Dr. Laurie suggested that it’s probable that my belief that a woman is only valued if she is a good wife and mother is an ancestral one. Societies and religions have implanted this belief in women for centuries. Many women now and in past generations may believe the guilt and shame is theirs alone. They don’t realize it may be linked to the belief that they deserve God’s judgment. It is buried so deeply in the unconscious that it is nearly impossible to access it. Thankfully, Dr. Laurie’s guidance through the process enabled me to feel safe enough to delve into my deeper feelings, face the fear of total rejection and go into the dark void. I was guided throughout to get out of my head, or ego mind, and experience how my suffering thoughts affect my body.

I don’t think it is possible to access the void of no-thingness and experience the Truth through the ego mind. Our resistance to feeling our deepest fears is too great. But with Dr. Laurie’s encouragement to experience my feelings in my body, I was able to face the fear and descend into that dark void (which I had considered evil or hell). I absolutely had to experience the separation of hell in order to experience it being The Beloved.

Since being liberated from the crippling belief that I must have the approval of my sons to have favor with God, my view of my relationship with them and everyone else has shifted. I no longer judge any of it ‘good or bad’. It is all the One Infinite Presence. My only responsibility is to experience myself and everyone else as being one with that Presence.

As we play our human roles we are all perfect mirrors for one another to learn how to be whole. The frictions between us only reveal where we are out of alignment with the wholeness of our hearts. They are not intended to be excuses to judge and condemn each other. We are all connected in consciousness or spirit. There is no separation between our hearts.

Every time I catch myself thinking thoughts of separation, good, bad, right, wrong, ugly or beautiful, I go back to The Beloved beautiful black velvet void. I allow all those suffering thoughts to soak in that peaceful space of the velvet Oneness until they disappear.

I have a new and deeper understanding of Jesus’ words, “You shall know (experience) the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free”.


Shirley Hart
Author of Life Inside Out: Living From the Heart, Hay House 

Lesley Littlefield Freeman

Lesley Littlefield Freeman

Littlefield Recordings

We were in Satsang on Maui, in a beautiful house overlooking the ocean with Dr. Laurie, and I was starting to feel short of breath, and extremely nervous. I was sort of shaking, and my heart was beating like crazy. It was so strange to me, and uncomfortable, and so I shared about it, how this had been happening to me every so often since I was little. Amazingly, Laurie understood completely. She had heard of this, and even experienced it, and to my surprise, other participants in the Satsang group had also been through this.

Laurie invited me to let the nervousness well up and surrender to it. She said there was something in me that needed to come out as energy and be expressed, and that after 10 or 15 minutes I would feel relief and something brand new. I wanted to let go into the experience, but it felt so scary, so very physical and uncomfortable! Laurie affirmed that yes, this IS a very physical experience that wants to happen. And so with the loving presence and support of everyone who sat with me, I let these big shivers shake my body, and out of the blue, I was sobbing like I had never sobbed before. I felt a bit of embarrassment but I knew with all my heart that the others were honored to be in this experience with me.

I kept sobbing, and suddenly saw my mother after just having given birth to me. It all played out like a movie! She was scared and uncertain. And I felt SUCH sadness for myself as a baby, who had brought so much love with me from the other side into this world, who would be so misunderstood — and at the same time I was overwhelmed with love and compassion for my mother, who was so scared and vulnerable at this moment. Such compassion and such sadness I was experiencing. I saw my father too, putting all his attention on my mother in the hospital room. He wanted her to be ok, and she was freaking out inside her self.

I kept sobbing, in this crystalline experience. Eventually, the sobbing subsided, and I felt this great deluge of love. Laurie asked what I was feeling, and I said, LOVE. My heart had slowed down, and I was no longer nervous. I was so present, peaceful, and so in love and compassion for my divine self as a baby and for my mother who tried her best and who I now understood from a deep place in my heart. I looked around at the other participants, and they were so lovingly being with me, sharing how honored they were to share that. Never has there been a safer place for me to explore things as a Dr. Laurie Satsang Seminar. I didn’t even know I needed to explore. I am forever grateful!

Lesley Littlefield Freeman
Experience of Hawaii with Dr. Laurie Moore